
Advocates Bureau Yug: A Stalwart Collaborator in the 20th International Scientific and Practical Conference

Advocates Bureau Yug: A Stalwart Collaborator in the 20th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Kovalev Readings" 2024

Since its inception in 2004, the Scientific and Practical Conference "Kovalev Readings" has been meticulously orchestrated by the Department of Criminal Law of the Ural State Law University (USLU) in concert with the esteemed law firm LOYS. Over the years, this prestigious event has attracted an impressive array of more than 750 speakers and 4,500 participants from 35 countries. Among these luminaries have been esteemed scholars and professors of law, criminologists, judges, investigators, prosecutors, advocates, human rights activists, employees of the penal system, journalists, politicians, and undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students. This momentous event not only commemorated a significant milestone anniversary but also paid homage to the centenary of the individual whose name it bears.

The conference was established in honor of the illustrious Mitrofan Ivanovich Kovalev (1922-2002), a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. For several decades, he presided over the Department of Criminal Law at SLU, where he sowed the seeds of the Ural Criminal Law School. He was also bestowed with the title of Honored Scientist of the RSFSR and served as a revered mentor to generations of SLU&USLA students. His profound contributions to the field of law were recognized with the conferment of a Doctor of Law degree and the title of professor.

As part of the conferences comprehensive program, the Youth Forum "Criminal Law and Criminological Means of National Security" was convened on February 15, 2024. This forum provided a platform for the exploration of intricate issues about criminal law and criminological support for national security in the contemporary landscape. The Sverdlovsk State Childrens Philharmonic extended an invitation to the conference participants to attend a captivating performance entitled "The Fate of a Man in the Fate of the Country," a fitting tribute to the 100th anniversary of M.I. Kovalev.

The principal working day of the forum was held on February 16, 2024, at the Cultural and Exhibition Complex "Sinara Center." This year, the conference program on the general theme was meticulously divided into several sessions: the plenary session "Legal Horizons of Security: Integration of Scientific and Criminal Law Aspects" and the parallel sessions "Criminal Law Policy in the Sphere of Security," "Informatization in the Modern World in Criminal Law and Criminological Aspects," "Criminal Law Protection of the Military Security of the State," "Legal Security of the Economy under Sanctions Pressure," and "The Role of M.I. Kovalevs Works in the Development of Criminal Law and Criminology."

Yuri Pustovit graced the session "Economic Security of the State: Criminal Law Aspect" as a speaker. This session, expertly moderated by Z.A. Neznamova, Doctor of Law, Professor, and Head of the Department of Criminal Law at USLU named after V.F. Yakovlev, and A.V. Ivanchin, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, and Rector of Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov, delved into the timely topic of safeguarding relationships arising from government contracts. State control over defense orders is assuming increasing significance in this regard, which has prompted the criminalization of certain actions. Furthermore, the Prosecutor Generals Office of the Russian Federation has been actively exercising its powers within the framework of civil legislation related to the transfer of property complexes in the form of enterprises to state ownership. These property complexes may have been acquired through corrupt means or in violation of privatization rules, which exemplifies the application of confiscation, a concept inherent in criminal law. The participants engaged in a thorough examination of the elements of newly introduced offenses, the challenges associated with their qualification, and the actions undertaken by the state concerning the confiscation of property.

Upon the conclusion of the intellectual endeavors within the framework of the conference, the participants embarked on a guided tour of the art gallery of the cultural and exhibition complex "Sinara Center". After that, they enjoyed the celebratory standing buffet in honor of the centenary of M.I. Kovalev.

The "Kovalev Readings" are renowned for their captivating musical program. This year, the participants were enthralled by a performance by Megi Gogitidze, a Georgian vocalist and songwriter of unparalleled talent. She has crafted a distinctive style that seamlessly blends Georgian ethnic music with contemporary undertones. Megi collaborates with Cuban musicians, creating an electrifying energy at her concerts.
